Laminate countertops come in a wide variety of colors, textures, and patterns. They are made from layers of plastic that are bonded to particleboard or Kraft paper to create a solid countertop surface. Laminate provides a lightweight, easy-Âto-Âinstall, affordable solution that delivers a clean and finished surface. If you are looking for laminate countertops in Colorado, at Front Range Stone you will find a selection that will fit your budget and style.
Showing 1–72 of 154 results
Edge Options

Edge Options

Amber Kashmire
Andorra Shadow
Antique Bourbon Pine
Antique Mascarello
Argento Romano
Ashen Ribbonwood
Autumn Carnival
Autumn Indian Slate
Azul Aran
Bainbrook Grey
Basalt Slate
Belmonte Granite
Benjamin Grey
Bianco Romano
Black Alicante
Black Chalkable
Black Fusion
Blue Flower Granite
Blue Storm
Bordeaux Juparana
Brazilian Brown Granite
Breccia Nouvelle